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One-Liner Poems

By Derek Lumagui

I never held you in my arms. Maybe that is why I still dream of it

Even if I die alone, our moments together will stay with me forever

You were never in love with me. But my love for you will do

I’ll stop loving you when my mind is empty, heart is still, and soul is dead

If you would just look up, at the sky, the stars, the clouds, the trees, the reflections, at me…

I can feel your hand in everything I do. As I clutch my backpack, type down my thoughts, wash my clothes, wipe my tears

Your smile takes me away to the endless sand and crashing waves

Sing like world is ending; the last time I hear you, perhaps I’ll sing back

You rip my tongue, my fingers, my ears, my hair, my heart. I rip our relationship apart.


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