By Janet Childs
When I reach deep into
those moments
we gift our energy;
It fills the light with room
to take a step
forward into
the cave of unknowing.
A small, yet penetrating
on the shoulder, hand, back
reminds me I am not alone.
A calm and rich presence
penetrates this experience:
The shock of life softens
beneath my striving achievement;
my need to be important.
this gentle offering
is the deepest strength-
waiting, the hardest to do, for a sprinkle
of sun.
In downpour, the ark of hope
and dreams, flickers
I’ll just go out for a walk
where the air, roots
and wings fill me
engulf me
with this:
The aroma of flower petals,
leaves, and clouds, a blanket of
impartial love -
always there for me.
Even the parched desert
has a soul:
Look beneath the surface
of an uncomfortable, barren,
even seemingly hostile face
And find
this fragrance of hot, clear
the dance of cacti, hawk, owl, bat;
prickly sprinkle of light
and shadowy deep
calls me here.