By Gerard Sarnat
Fingers Are Crossed Until
Spring Vacation Soon
Among their mosaics of tattoos
piercings plus unopened books
scattered here on room floors
our grandchild college enrollees
I presumed look somewhat as if
appears your basic student gear
which today may include Narcan
kits still leftover from Christmas
stocking stuffers --- stocks
that will be replenished oy when
both girls and boys go home for
ritual Easter chocolate lambs
but keeping it real, this Friday
March 1 A.M., their parents
worry simply about tonite
while they are urging offspring
who might have already run
out, to take advantage of
new legit drugstore O.T.C.’s
availability by just dropping
by well as reassuring kids
we’ll reimburse all credit card
charges no matter high costs pursuit harm reduction
mitigating trips toward dim S.R.O.
along this Rogue River tributary
after picking up *clean needles
gauges, cookers, pipes, Fentanyl
test strips, hand sanitizer (Christ
now offered gratis in Oregon!)
as Lazarus wonder-drug Naloxone
hopefully’s employed--reversing
O.D.s to resurrect young lives.
*list from E. Tammy Kim’s
Do No Harm, New Yorker,
22 January, 2024